SA2B Mods

Sonic Adventure 2 is more than twenty years old at this point, and showing its age. Thankfully, dedicated modders have donated their time to make the experience even better than it was originally. From graphics overhauls to new characters to entirely new features in the Chao world, you can get a deluxe experience playing Sonic Adventure 2 on PC. Note that you need the PC version - modding is much easier for PC games than on Gamecube/Dreamcast emulation. Sonic Adventure 2 is available quite affordably from Steam.

SA Mod Loader

Official site here. Don't let the name fool you - this is the modern (as of 2025) way to load mods for both Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 on Steam. Install this before moving forward. Once it is installed, you can download mods on Gamebanana using the SAModLoader one click feature.

Chao World Extended

Offical website here. This one has a little bit of everything. Many quality of life features that make raising Chao easier.

Enhanced Chao World

Official site here. This one changes a lot of things about the Chao world, such as changing the gardens and the kindergarten. It also has sundry fixes for animation glitches and Chao behavior. Make sure to put this one after Chao World Extended in the mod loader.

Character Select Plus

Official site here. If you've ever seen someone playing as normal Dr. Eggman in City Escape, this is how! This lets you play as Metal Sonic, Tikal, Amy Rose, non-mech Tails, and Chaos. You can also play as different characters from the usual stage, such as Rouge in City Escape. You can even use them in Chao World.

A word of caution: this can be buggy. For example, Tails has no animation for using the hand bars, so if he touches a hand bar, the game will crash. Metal Sonic jumping around in the Chao Garden has also been known to cause the game to crash. Proceed with caution and save frequently.

Non-standard characters in the Chao Garden (Amy, Metal Sonic, Tikal, Chaos) have glitched sound effects. A partial fix can be found here.

Amy New Tricks

Official site here. Combine with Character Select Plus. Now Amy can use her hammer!

Better Miles

Official site here. Combine with Character Select Plus. Now Tails has his moveset from Sonic Adventure 1! Also fixes a lot of issues with Tails, such as not being able to grind on rails without the game crashing.

2P Chao Mod

Not compatible with Character Select Plus. 2 players in the Chao garden. Note that if you want to use Amy and Metal Sonic, you will need to install mods for that as they are normally not programmed to appear in the Chao Garden. Use a mod to put Amy on top of Shadow and Metal Sonic on top of Sonic. They will use the default animations of the original character.