PC Troubleshooting

Trying to play Sonic games on PC and running into weird issues? Here is my list of issues I've run into and how I've solved them.

Steam SA2 - not recognizing controller

After months of not playing, I log back in to play only to find that my trusty gamepad suddenly did not appear as an option in controller selection. Opening up the keyboard.cfg revealed the issue. On PC, go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sonic Adventure 2\Config. For some reason, the player inputWay was reversed. It should look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Setup Layout="0" />
    <Player InputWay="1" Vibrate="0">
        <key index="22" />
        <key index="18" />
        <key index="0" />
        <key index="3" />
        <key index="8" />
        <key index="9" />
        <key index="20" />
        <key index="10" />
        <key index="25" />
        <key index="16" />
        <key index="37" />
        <key index="23" />
        <key index="4" />
        <key index="37" />
        <key index="27" />
        <key index="67" />
    <Player InputWay="0" Vibrate="0">
        <key index="83" />
        <key index="65" />
        <key index="73" />
        <key index="79" />
        <key index="102" />
        <key index="98" />
        <key index="101" />
        <key index="99" />
        <key index="66" />
        <key index="104" />
        <key index="37" />
        <key index="76" />
        <key index="105" />
        <key index="37" />
        <key index="28" />
        <key index="111" />

But the 1 and 0 had been reversed for some reason. If you this happens to you, try swapping the numbers to the position shown above. If that fails, make a copy of keyboard.cfg and then delete keyboard.cfg. The game should make a new one that will hopefully have the correct configuration.

Sonic Heroes PC Not Recognizing Logitech Controller

By default, Sonic Heroes PC uses keyboard for input. If you want to use a gamepad, you must use mods to remap the buttons. I use a Logitech controller. The following is a simplified version of the instructions here. Please reference the PC Gaming Wiki for more detailed instructions.

  1. Install Reloaded II. This requires the following dependencies, which you can download via the PC Gaming Wiki site:
    • .NET 5 Desktop Runtime
    • Visual C++ Redist 2015, 2017 and 2019
  2. Download the following mods:
    • SH Essentials: Controller Hook
    • SH Essentials: Post Processing for Controller Hook
    • Custom Mapping for Controller Hook
  3. Add the mods to Reloaded II in the above order.
  4. Open Custom Mapping for Controller Hook. Change controls as you like. I am using X-Input on the Logitech controller (switch is on the back between X-Input and DirectInput). You can see my mappings below. Note that the analog stick is only detected on the ones labeled 'analog stick'. I could not get the right trigger buttons to be detected for anything.
  5. Run the game from within Reloaded II. Test to make sure the controller is as you like it. Once you are inside the levels, you can pause the game to go to controller settings and remap certain buttons. In order to exit this screen, you must press escape on your keyboard!

If all goes well, you should be able to use your Logitech Controller.