Chao Recipes
One of the most fun aspects of Chao raising is coming up with a vision for a Chao and then raising it to achieve that appearance. It's an excellent opportunity to be creative. Here are some Chao concepts I've made and how to get them.
Metal Sonic Chao
A Chao that resembles Metal Sonic.

- Color: Dark Blue metal
- Alignment: Neutral
- First Evolution: Running
- Second Evolution: Mild swimming
- Animal parts: Boar legs
- Medals: Gold
- Lens: Red contact lens (optional), Dark chao Lens (Optional)
- Mod Features - Chao World Extended
Round-ear Chao
By taking advantage of secondary evolution, we can make a Chao that has really round, almost spherical ears. We do this by first making a Dark/Flying Chao. Once it evolves, feed it tons of Running animals and no Power animals. Keep its Flying/Swimming centered. Once the Chao reaches the end of its 'age', it will have these round ears. They are not perfectly round, as you can see small points if you rotate the camera, but they look round from most angles. So cute!

- Alignment: Dark
- First Evolution: Flying
- Second Evolution: Max running, centered flying/swimming
Chubby Child Chao
Most Chao look cooler with two-tone coloration, but this Chao actually looks it best with a monotone color. If you have a monotone Chao you don't know what to do, why not turn it into this strange, featureless chubby child Chao?

- Alignment: Hero
- First Evolution: Swimming
- Second Evolution: Max Power, centered flying/swimming