My Pokemon
Some Pokemon I've used long enough to consider an important part of that game's journey. These aren't necessarily the ones that I beat the Elite 4 with or the ones that I used the longest, but they are in some way memorable.
Pokemon Moon
Decidueye (Virion). LV. 70
- Moves
- Spirit Shackle
- Leaf Blade
- Synthesis
- Brave Bird
- Traits
- Adamant
- Ability: Overgrowth
- Decidium Z
- Stats
- HP: 208
- Sp. Attack: 146
- Sp. Def: 161
- Attack: 202
- Defense: 124
- Speed: 145
Magneton (Ford). LV 70
- Moves
- Tri Attack
- Thunder Wave
- Discharge
- Flash Cannon
- Traits
- Modest
- Ability: Sturdy
- Adrenaline Orb
- Stats
- HP: 173
- Sp. Attack: 211
- Sp. Def: 116
- Attack: 119
- Defense: 155
- Speed: 142
Ledian (Sthenier). LV 67
- Moves
- Air Slash
- Reflect
- Swift
- Bug Buzz
- Traits
- Timid
- Ability: Early Bird
- Silver Powder
- Stats
- HP: 178
- Sp. Attack: 89
- Sp. Def: 174
- Attack: 81
- Defense: 99
- Speed: 170
Gumshoos. LV 72.
- Moves
- Hyper Fang
- Super Fang
- Yawn
- Mud-Slap
- Traits
- Sassy
- Ability: Stakeout
- Silk Scarf
- Stats
- HP: 223
- Sp. Attack: 100
- Sp. Def: 116
- Attack: 205
- Defense: 116
- Speed: 87
Pelipper. LV 72.
- Moves
- Stockpile
- Water Pulse
- Air Cutter
- Ice Beam
- Traits
- Hardy
- Ability: Keen Eye
- Mystic Water
- Stats
- HP: 185
- Sp. Attack: 154
- Sp. Def: 128
- Attack: 114
- Defense: 169
- Speed: 123
Bouncee. LV 64.
- Moves
- Teeter Dance
- High Jump Kick
- Stomp
- Trop Kick
- Traits
- Adamant
- Ability: Leaf Guard
- Bright Powder
- Stats
- HP: 182
- Sp. Attack: 82
- Sp. Def: 133
- Attack: 210
- Defense: 143
- Speed: 114
Pokemon LeafGreen
Magneton (m322) Lv 50
- sturdy
- modest
- hp 121
- attack 74
- defense 121
- spattack 144
- spdef 79
- speed 98
- spark
- sonicboom
- thunder wave
- tri attack
Kadabra (Kourage) fem lv 59
- blackglasses
- bashful
- synchronize
- hp 128
- attack 78
- defense 62
- spattack 169
- spdef 98
- speed 146
- psychic
- thief
- attract
- recover
Venusaur (Willow) fem lv 47
- mild
- overgrow
- hp 136
- attack 99
- defense 85
- spattack 119
- spdef 108
- speed 99
- razor leaf
- leech seed
- poisonpowder
- strength
Aerodactyl (Archangel) male lv 47
- jolly
- rock head
- attack 128
- defense 88
- spattack 64
- spdef 89
- speed 163
- aerial ace
- fly
- mimic
- steel wing
Moltres (Shamwow) lv 52
Lapras (ORcompyear) lv 47 fem
- careful
- shell armor
- hp 183
- attack 100
- defense 93
- spattack 84
- sp def 119
- speed 69
- surf
- body slam
- ice beam
- safeguard
Pokemon Emerald
My Hall of Fame, probably from 2003-4. Enjoy the terrible nicknames.
Rayquaza (Quazer) LV 72
* air lock * quirky * hp 254 * attack 234 * defense 156 * spattack 238 * sp def 140 * speed 165 * fly * rest * extremespeed * outrageGardevoir (Angelou) LV 32 male
* synchronize * timid * hp 95 * attack 48 * defense 55 * sp attack 94 * sp def 89 * speed 78 * psychic * calm mind * double team * flashSkarmory (Skarmor) lv 37 male
* sturdy * quirky * hp 100 * attack 77 * defense 116 * sp attack 39 * sp def 71 * speed 68 * steel wing * fly * swift * air cutterNinetales (Ninetales) LV 57 male
* flash fire * careful * hp 175 * attack 112 * defense 101 * sp attack 108 * sp def 146 * speed 145 * will o wisp * confuse ray * secret power * flamethrowerWailmer LV 37 female
* water veil * mild * hp 150 * attack 64 * defense 37 * sp attack 70 * sp def 32 * speed 59 * surf * waterfall * diveSceptile (Tails) LV 44 female
* Naive * Overgrow * hp 158 * attack 103 * defense 83 * sp attack 135 * sp def 98 * speed 167 * fury cutter * leaf blade * earthquake * quick attackPokemon Sapphire
My Hall of Fame, probably from 2003-4. Enjoy the terrible nicknames.
Kyogre (Kyplane) LV 51
- Drizzle
- Careful
- Mystic Water
- HP 195
- Sp attack 167
- Spd 206
- Speed 119
- Attack 140
- Defense 128
- Waterfall
- Ice beam
- hydro pump
- calm mind
Sceptile (Yoshi) LV 46, male
- overgrow
- naive
- hp 157
- attack 110
- defense 79
- sp attack 124
- sp def 96
- speed 158
- dig
- leaf blade
- absorb
- brick break
Swellow (Tailer) LV 32, female
- Guts
- Naughty
- hp 105
- attack 83
- defense 57
- sp attack 51
- sp def 46
- speed 104
- fly
- double team
- aerial ace
- steel wing
Gardevoir (Numbuh 4) LV 30, male
- Adamant
- Trace
- HP 101
- attack 69
- Defense 62
- Spattack 90
- spdefense 88
- speed 75
- double team
- psychic
- secret poewr
- hidden power