Remember mail? No? Who can blame you? Mail was a feature introduced in Gen II and last seen in Gen IV. It had no practical purpose in the games, but it was a fun way to send a message to a friend if you were trading a Pokemon with them.

You selected from pre-made phrases. This allowed you to make a sort of strange poetry with the allowed lines.

- Bead Mail
Trick House, Lilycove City Quiz Lady (Finite) - Dream Mail
(FRLG) Six Island Poke mart (Infinite) - Fab Mail
(FRLG) Cerulean City (held by in-game trade Jynx) (Finite) - Glitter Mail
(RS) Trick House, Fortree City (held by in-game trade Skitty) (Finite)
(E) Trick House, Lilycove City (Quiz Lady) (Finite) - Harbor Mail
(RSE) Trick House, Abandoned Ship (Finite), Slateport City Poké Mart (Infinite) - Mech Mail
(RSE) Trick House (Finite), Lilycove Department Store (Infinite) - Orange Mail
(RSE) Trick House (Finite), Petalburg City Poké Mart (Infinite) - Retro Mail
(E) Battle Frontier (held by in-game trade Meowth) (Finite)
(FRLG) Celadon Department Store (Infinite) - Shadow Mail
(RSE) Trick House (Finite), Sootopolis City Poké Mart (Infinite) - Tropic Mail -
(RS) Trick House, Pacifidlog Town (held by in-game trade Corsola) (Finite),
(E) Trick House, Lilycove City (Quiz Lady) (Finite) - Wave Mail
(RSE) Trick House (Finite), Lilycove Department Store (Infinite)
(E) Pacifidlog Town (held by in-game trade Horsea) (Finite), Lilycove Department Store (Infinite) - Wood Mail
(RSE) Trick house (Finite), Fortree City Poke Mart (Infinite)
(E) Fortree City (held by in-game trade Plusle)
I don't know about you, but I had no idea that so much mail was limited amount. Only a few types of mail are infinitely purchasable. To make matters worse, most of these mails are not available in FRLG, but some mails are exclusive to FRLG and you have to trade for them in RSE.
Here is a fun idea - the next time you play one of these games, make it a challenge to get all the mail that's available to you. Then write a little poem on each one. If you have a friend, send them a Pokemon with your mail, and see what poetry they send you!